Here's a very unusual cookie recipe sent to me by BJ Gourmet...
Graham Cracker Nut Cookies
Everyone who tastes these cookies for the first time thinks they're a fancy Danish pastry and must be incredibly involved to make. But, in fact, they couldn't be easier:
1 stick margarine (4 oz)
1 stick butter (4 oz)
1/2 cup sugar
1 cup chopped pecans or walnuts
1 box graham crackers
Preheat oven to 450 degrees.
Place whole sections of graham crackers in a single layer on bottom of 9x13 pan (completely covering the bottom).
In a saucepan over medium heat, melt together the margarine and butter. Add sugar and heat to bubbling. Brush onto the graham crackers.
Return saucepan to burner, add the nuts, and stir well to coat nuts. Spoon this mixture evenly over the crackers, evenly distributing the nuts.
Bake until the crackers are golden brown. (Only 3 - 4 minutes! Watch carefully because they brown very quickly).
While still warm, separate the crackers into smaller squares. They'll crisp when cool.
Double the recipe (using jelly-roll pan or cookie sheet with sides) because they cookies disappear rapidly.