Submitted By Hippoluver
Hippoluver wrote to me and said, " I usually buy cans of beans when they are on sale and have them handy for whenever I need them.
I also use white beans, black beans, pinto beans (canned of course) to put into the mixture.
I omit the kidney beans as my family isn't to keen on them. Drain white, black, and pinto beans before adding them to the pot.
This is usually a hit with the men folk. My hubby will eat this for a few meals by itself if I would let him. LOL!!
Bean Casserole
1 pound bacon. (Cut bacon into 1/2" pieces and cook until almost crispy.)
4 lg onions, chopped
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup white sugar
1/4 cup white vinegar ( but can use apple cider vinegar if white vinegar is not on hand)
2 cans of pork and beans
1 can kidney beans
1 can lima beans (ham in it)
1 can butter beans
Cook bacon until crispy. Remove bacon from pan but leave fat in.
Saute onions until transluscent in bacon fat. Remove onions when cooked.
Keep 3 tablespoons of the grease.
In a large pot, add the following:
All the pork and beans, even the little fat chunk. Drain the kidney and butter beans before adding to pot. Add the lima beans with the ham in it to the pot. Mix well.
Add onions, bacon and reserved bacon fat to pot and mix well again.
In a small saucepan, add in the vinegar and 2 sugars.. Cook until sugars are melted. Add this to the pot and mix thoroughly one more time..
Bring mixture to boil and let cool. Can be refrigerated until needed. Keep it covered...
Then to reheat it, just simmer on the stove top at low heat until hot, then serve...